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Music Monday

23 May

I heard this song driving to NY over the weekend. Instantly l-o-v-e-ed it! Sounds like the beginning of Summer 2011 soundtrack! Oww!

Pumped Up Kicks by Foster theĀ People

Dancing my head atleast

18 Mar

So I’ve had this song by Florence & the Machine on repeat in my car and everytime I hear it I see this in my mind….Which is making me feel even more dance deprived šŸ˜¦

Ahh My Heart..

29 Dec

Wanna Dance?

30 Aug

The theme of inspiration from this weekend is Dance. And I loved every little bit of it…Here’s the rundown..Friday night headed to the city to get drinks at La Azteca with some friends who are dancers with the Alvin Ailey Dance Company, before they go on an International tour. Fabuloso! I danced off and on growing up and a night with them always gives me that extra incentive to start back up…Anywho on to Saturday where me and my two girls went to an Espanol partido (I admit it I googled that) and even though my salsa and bachata are not so fabuloso I had an amaaazing time. Much thanks to the rum in my cup….dancing and being able to laugh at myself at a failed attempt at a turn this dude is trying…Most of my enjoyment came from watching those who actually knew what they were doing..the possibilities with these few styles of dance are endless!! And they express who they are or at least who they want to be percieved as. The man truly takes the lead and the woman can either simply follow his lead or add her personal flair…I want to get really good so I can be doing all typsa turns all over the dance floor!! lol

Then there is Sunday where I attended a wedding which of course means more dancing, drinks, and fun! I was a bit worn out by then but still did a lil jig or two on the dance floor. Overall-Great Weekend!!

Me when I grow up…